Be Cyber Confident!












Cyber security develops at pace.

As businesses adjust to cope with the rapid digital transformation of working practices, cyber security advancements have accelerated to help businesses stay ahead of the increasing number of security challenges they encounter.

At cybovate, we help CISOs, cyber risk officers and their teams return their risk heatmaps back to green using the latest cyber security innovations. We also advise the leadership of cyber security start-ups on how to succeed in this rapidly changing landscape.

Using our extensive client-side and start-up advisory experience, the cybovate team acts as a bridge between innovative cyber security products and the market. With us, enterprises find the innovation they need through people they trust, and start-ups find growth through our experience.

cybovate is the trusted partner of mid to large businesses operating in the DACH region and across Europe and cyber security start-ups with innovative solutions.

Be cyber confident.

Cyber security innovations that help returning risk heatmaps back to green

We reduce risk by implementing innovative solutions.

Portfolio Overview

Human Cyber Risk Third Party Cyber Risk Infrastructure Risk Training & Awareness to Drive Behaviour Change Technology to Help Users and Respond to Threats Assessment Automation External Attack Surface Management Visibility Internal Attack Surface Management Secure Access

We evaluated the security solution market and incorporated cutting-edge offerings into our portfolio, empowering security teams to regain control. By leveraging technology, we enable experts to dedicate their efforts to more pertinent tasks. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) aid in overseeing and showcasing the outcomes and value achieved.

We tackle risks that we believe are under-addressed in numerous organizations and present a range of solutions across various domains, allowing security teams to select the approaches that align best with their unique needs and requirements.

Drive Behaviour Change and Improve Cyber Culture.

Human Cyber Risk

Organizations worldwide face cyber-attacks, often stemming from human actions within their ranks due to factors like lacking a cybersecurity culture, negligence, intentional malice, or profit-seeking motives. The human element becomes difficult to manage without a robust cyber awareness plan.

Historically, traditional security awareness programs, sometimes accompanied by phishing simulations, proved ineffective and repetitive. To address this, we advocate for micro-learning and continuous nudges to promote the desired security behavior. Our technical solutions empower end-users to identify specific threats, enabling them to take charge of their own security.

Risk Monitoring is not good enough.

3rd Party Cyber Risk

Approximately 60% of cyber security breaches are linked to third parties. Protect your digital ecosystem with an innovative, efficient and effective third-party cyber risk program that provides complete visibility.

Today’s TPCRM programs are often expensive with assessments that take too long and are quickly outdated. They lead team members to focus on internal impact and risk scenarios when they are assessing third-parties, and the programs are geared towards compliance rather than taking a risk-based approach. This compliance slant prevents organisations from truly working to identify and mitigate real issues based on actual threats and counter measures.

A Solid Foundation.

Infrastructure Risk

Regardless of whether an organization chooses to use public cloud providers or maintain their infrastructure on-premises, ensuring the security of the infrastructure is fundamental to all other security measures. If sensitive data can be easily accessed by an attacker, all other security efforts are rendered futile.

However, as modern environments become increasingly complex and diverse, without a continuous and advanced approach, security teams will be unable to successfully defend against attackers.